About Us

We are a global community of publishers, authors, and industry professionals dedicated to advancing the art and business of publishing within the Commonwealth.

Our association serves as a catalyst for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy in the publishing industry. We believe in the power of literature to inspire, educate, and transform lives, and we are committed to supporting the growth and success of our members.

Through our initiatives, events, and resources, we strive to create a vibrant ecosystem that nurtures creativity, encourages innovation, and promotes publishing excellence. We provide a platform for publishers and authors to connect, learn from each other, and explore new opportunities for collaboration.

The Commonwealth Book Publishers Association is guided by a set of core values, including inclusivity, diversity, and integrity. We embrace the richness of cultures and languages within the Commonwealth and promote the exchange of ideas and stories across borders.

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and collaborative environment for our members. Whether you are an independent publisher, a renowned publishing house, an aspiring author, or a literary agent, we welcome you to join our association and be a part of a global network that shares a passion for the written word.

On this About Us page, you will find more information about our mission, vision, and the values that guide us. Explore our initiatives, browse through our membership options, and discover the benefits of joining our community.

Thank you for your interest in the Commonwealth Book Publishers Association. We invite you to join us on this literary journey as we celebrate the power of words, embrace the diversity of voices, and shape the future of publishing within the Commonwealth and beyond. 

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